Archive for August 16th, 2008
Another One Bites the dust
I finished my Portfolio and turned it in for grading. My Portfolio was made of…
- Two Cover Sheets
- Employer Authorization form (Because my portfolio covered a Baylor Project)
- Table of Contents
- 8 Page Essay covering any trend in IT. I came up with…
“Open Source Software as a Communication Bridge in IT Project Management” - Reference Page with a list of APA formatted Citations for all references used
- Competency Matrix with 16 listed competencies relating to the Essay.
- Exhibit 1: MySQL Open Source Database used in project as Web Site data storage.
- Exhibit 2: PDF and iCal files of Project Schedule made as an addition to the website for offline schedule verifications
- Exhibit 3: XHTML Source code showing both PHP and hand created code instructing users on how to setup IP printers on OS X
- Exhibit 4: WordPress Theme developed to maintain look and feel of other internal Baylor websites. Included Text from the CSS file for the presentational layout, as well as the whole theme file zipped up for review by the grader.
Looking back on it now, it seems like a long list. But I enjoyed getting all the parts together. Lucky for me I had a past project that I lead and had intimate experience with. Using that project, I built my portfolio files and data during July and August and then finished the Essay in 2 days.
The class has twelve grading rubrics ranging from 1.0-4.0 and an overall 3.0 is the minimum passing standard. Overall, I was happy with what I had submitted, and while I wasn’t expecting a 4.0 on this grade, I felt confident that I wouldn’t have to resubmit. Of the small concerns I had about the submission, Dr. Teston gave me some good viewpoints so I felt better as I waited to find out my grade.
So I checked Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, waiting to see my grade. Nothing showed up and I went home after work, ready for the weekend. Late Friday Night I was surfing around and ran out of interesting places to look at on the internet (Funny huh). I decided to look one last time at the TaskStream website where my portfolio was being graded. The Class came up with a lock on it, and I clicked on the Submission Tab. And there, at 7:15 PM, my Grader had posted my grade. Dun Dun Dun Dun!!!!!
3.92... Wait... What...
3.92 out of 4.0 Roughly equal to a 98%. Santa Vaca!!! Not only did I pass, I passed right up at the top. I let out a whoop of triumph and scared Kaylene. Luckily Joey didn’t wake up so she didn’t automatically kick me. What a Triumph. As you can tell, I’m proud of myself.
So I have till the end of October to finish some more classes. Since I’ve been focusing on Non Tech Classes at the beginning of the term, I’m thinking of finishing the Web Tecnologies and Client Systems Certification.
Classes Finished:
Term 1:
- Education without Boundaries
- Leadership and Professionalism
- Quantitative Literacy
Term 2:
- Foundations of Language and Communication
- Quantitative Reasoning and Communication
- IT Fundamentals I
- Rhetorical and Critical Writing
- IT Fundamentals II
- IT Fundamentals III
- Programming Fundamentals
Term 3:
- Networks I
- Ethics Part I
- Ethics Part II
- Social Science Part II: American History & Government, World History and Geography
Term 4:
- Natural Science Part II:Concepts & Theories-Life, Earth, Space, and Physical Sciences
- Project Management
- IT Portfolio
Classes still to pass:
Classes with Technical Certifications:
- Client Systems
- Web Technologies
- Programming Fundamentals II
- Database I
- Security I
Non-Technical Classes:
- Research, Writing and Oral Presentation
- Reasoning & Problem Solving in the Context of the Humanities Part I
- Reasoning & Problem Solving in the Context of the Humanities Part II
- Technical Writing
- IT Capstone Project
Kevin Steele
By The Way…
You’ve Been RickRolled
Love Kevin