Archive for the ‘Computers’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Is your Textbook of the world done by Tintin?

I saw this a few days ago and absolutely loved it.  It was an eye opener about even some of my own presuppositions about the rest of the world.  I love the way Hans Rosling talks about his discoveries.  This may help us track how to help, where to help, and what kind of help is needed where.  It also gave me some optimism that we are heading in the right direction in pulling people out of the mud.  Hope you don’t mind his Swedish Accent.  Enjoy.

Debunking the misnomer term “Third World”.

Kevin Steele

PostHeaderIcon TED and why I like it?

TED Logo 

You may have noticed in earlier posts that I reference talks given by different people at a conference called TED.  TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design.  This yearly conference is filled with many people talking about their ideas.  These talks include pictures of penguins from an Antarctic trip, Learning about variations on a theme by a teenage piano player, funny pundits, Google, heart surgeons, Al Gore, and more.  The theme of and the videos there is “Ideas Worth Spreading”.  I have always loved great ideas.  To quote a part of


  • An idea can be created out of nothing except an inspired imagination.
  • An idea weighs nothing.
  • It can be transferred across the world at the speed of light for virtually zero cost.
  • And yet an idea, when received by a prepared mind, can have extraordinary impact.
  • It can reshape that mind’s view of the world.
  • It can dramatically alter the behavior of the mind’s owner.
  • It can cause the mind to pass on the idea to others. “

So, please understand that sometimes, I’m just trying to share and idea, pass it along.  I don’t expect you to agree or disagree, I just want to share ideas that affected my perspective.  If you have or find great ideas, please, please, please share.

Kevin Steele

PostHeaderIcon Family, Work, College and Ethics…

WGU Logo 

I just wanted to Announce that I passed my second Ethics Class on Tuesday Night.  Yay ME!!!  This last term has been stressfull in many ways, but mainly due to getting ready for a new baby and then new baby showing up.  I’ve finished the minimum 12 credits for the term, and did alot of other things, sometimes with one arm behind my back.  🙂  Things like:

Networks I
Ethics I
Social Science II
Ethics II
Last trimester (as a Daddy)
Birth (Yay Us – Love you Joey)
Full Time Job
Christmas Break
Family down for the Blessing (I had to take a final while they were here.) 🙁

I have to say thanks to Dr. G. Teston.  He’s my student Mentor and has been a great help and guide this last year and a half.  I got into the middle of my term and had WAY TOO MUCH GOING ON!!!!   Aghhh.  With Joseph being born and full time life, I didn’t have as much time to study for my course.  Dr. Teston made it possible, by rearranging my schedule and making sure I had more than enough time.  Sincerely, Dr. T., you have my utmost thanks.  At the end of every term, Dr. Teston sends out a post card to his students and on the card is a great message.

A personal thanks from Dr. Teston for all your hard work this term!
While working on post-grad studies at Harvard, I met a fellow computer science student who programmed brilliantly despite having almost no use of his hands.  When I asked him about the source of his success, he replied, “Determination can overcome weak hands, but there is no substitute for hard work.”  That chance meeting inspires me to always say “Thank You” to my students who succeed…because we can’t always see all the hard work behind the success.
G.Teston, Ph.D., M.S., M.Ed.

Thanks to all you out there who rooted for me.  I’m through with another term.  Hooray.

PostHeaderIcon 5 Dangerous things you should let your kids do!!

As I’ve said before my parents were great for my childhood education. I learned alot about the ocean in a few trips across the road to the Persian gulf. I learned cooking from my parents. I got a pocketknife and loved playing with it. What do all these things have in common??? Adventure is a great precursor to knowledge, especially since it requires getting down and dirty. This is another talk from TED that really resonated with me. I loved exploring even in my own kitchen (My parents kitchen). I want my kids to have this too, and I think they do…

Please watch and let me know what your impressions are…
YouTube works better, but here is the original TED Link: Gever Tulley – 5 Dangerous things you should let your child do.

Kevin Steele

February 2025