Archive for the ‘education’ Category

PostHeaderIcon 15 Favorite Authors

Thanks, Dad, for the thought.


Don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen authors (poets included) who’ve influenced you and that will always stick with you. List the first fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes.

If you like, “Tag” at least 15 friends including me or post here, because I’m interested in seeing what authors you choose. To do this, go to your Notes tab on your profile page, paste rules in a new note, cast your 15 picks, and tag people in the note.?

Kevin’s List of Favorite Authors (not necessarily in order):

  • Jim Butcher
  • Larry Niven
  • C.S. Lewis
  • J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Stephen King
  • Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (Co-authored books)
  • H.P. Lovecraft
  • Daniel Quinn
  • Dante Alighieri
  • Terry Brooks
  • Robert Heinlein
  • Euripides
  • Snorri Sturulson
  • Stephen R. Lawhead
  • Said Salah (Sah-eed Sah-Law)

Who are your fifteen? What does this list tell about me?

PostHeaderIcon One Word

Type only ONE word answers

It’s harder than you think!! Here is what you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…copy and paste into your own note, type in your answers and have fun.

Your hair………………….………………..Blondish-Brown
Where is your cell phone………………Pocket
Your father………………..………………Whistling
Your favorite thing………………………Knowledge
Your dream last night……………………..Nothing
Your favorite drink………………………..Pepsi
Your dream/goal…………….…………….balance
The room you are in……………………….Cubicle
Your fear………………….………………….failure
Where do you want to be in 6 years………happy
One of your wish list items………………..debt-free
Where you grew up……………………….Saudi
The last thing you did…………………..…blogging
What are you wearing……………….……T-shirt-and-Jeans
Your TV……………………………………Powermac G5
Your pets………………….………………none
Your computer…………………………….Lenovo-T42
Your life………………….………………..busy
Your mood………………….……………..anxious
Missing someone……………….………….kaylene
Your car…………………..……………….cavalier
Favorite store……………………………
Your summer………………..…………….Cyprus
Your favorite color………………………..Blue
When is the last time you laughed………..Today
Last time you cried……………………….Dallin
Three people who email me………………Kaylene, clients, co-workers
Three of my favorite foods……………….steak, asparagus, Stroganoff
Three places I would rather be right now…Home, Oregon, Aiken
Three people I think will respond…………family

PostHeaderIcon After…

With the failure of the Government, economy, president, and our many representatives.  Is this in our Future???  Yes there is a sense of humor attached to this.  And NO…  This does not represent a Democratic/Liberal side of things.  I believe this represents an end that is very bi-partisan

Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Images By Tatsuya Ishida

PostHeaderIcon Before….

I hate Politicians… All Promises and No Delivery…


Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

And THIS is what happens to the ECONOMY when we leave our Government to be under the influence of Biz and Special Interest groups. BTW what a crock of Crap – They do not represent consumer’s interests, they represent Companie’s interests.



Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

And when the ECONOMY fails and the Special/Business Interests are in trouble, the Government sells us out to the Businesses and expects us to take it. UGHHHH, Pres, Senate, House, Business – You disgust me !!@#%!~%@#$%!*#!!


Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Sinfest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

PostHeaderIcon Music Game – Answer sheet – for the most part

This is an answer sheet with music from a post I made on Facebook.  I did this so that I could add musical hints with each title.  It would also allow me to modify it as people guess.  I forgot some of the songs (lol) so I changed the ones I forgot.

Step 1: Music player on shuffle.
Step 2: First line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 5: If you like the game, post your own!

So guess the songs and their artists… good luck guys! 😀

1 – Sou capoeira olha sei que sou
“Sou Capoeira” by Mestre Acordeon

2 – Celia, your breaking my heart
“Celia” By Simon and Garfunkel

3 – With whom is your peregrine, your parents can navigate
“In Between Blue” By Aalok Mehta

4 – The dining room fell silent, I can’t believe what I just said
“The Night I Called the Old Man Out” by Garth Brooks

5 – Nirau nuraugidibu, Aganbabeitia tadimurehan buguchu bun
“Gaganbidaba (Take Advice)” by Andy Palacio and the Garifuna Collective

6 – I see a red door and I want it painted black
“Paint it Black” by The Rolling Stones

7 – People living their lives for you on TV
“Who Will Save Your Souls” by Jewel

8 – Bhi/ mo/ran daoine uasal ann,
“Donal Agus Morag” by Altan Blackwater

9 – Once upon a midnight dreary I woke with something in my head
“Run Around” By The Blues Travelers\

10 – Sugar magnolia, blossoms blooming, heads all empty and I dont care
“Sugar Magnolia” by The Grateful Dead

11 – Here comes the sun
“Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles

12 – Ive crossed the deserts for miles
“Pure Shores” by Al Saints

13 – In the corner of my mind stands a jukebox
“Jukebox in my Mind” by Alabama

14 – You keep on walking so you don’t fall down
“Doesn’t Anybody Stay Together Anymore” by Phil Collins

15 – In my mind I’m going to Carolina
“Carolina” by James Taylor

16 – Marky got with Sharon and Sharon got Cherese
“Pepper” by the Butthole Surfers (yes they have a naughty name)

17 – I’ve been standing here, staring at the mirror
“Love Is Innocent” by Colin Hay

18 – I wanna know what you’re thinking, there are some things you can hide
“Pure Energy” by The Information Society

19 – In the melting snows of Ontario where the wind’ll make you shiver
“Breakfast in Hell” by Slaid Cleaves (Great song that reminds me of Pecos Bill and Paul Bunyan)

20 – Any minute now, my ship is coming in, I keep checking the horizon
“Waiting for My Real Life to Begin” by Colin Hay

21 – She hasn’t done a thing, That really has to mean she’s going anywhere
“I Sure Can Smell the Rain” by BlackHawk

22 – Childhood living is easy to do The things you wanted I bought them for you
“Wild Horses” by The Rolling Stones

23 – It doesn’t matter what I say, So long as I sing with inflection
“Hook” by The Blues Travelers

24 – Take me now, baby, here as I am, Hold me close, n’ try n’ understand
“Because the Night” by 10,000 Maniacs

25 – Who can it be knocking at my door, go away, don’t come ’round here no more
“Who Can It Be Now – Acoustic Version” by Colin Hay

PostHeaderIcon What’s With Your Blog Title?

SO it’s finally time to reveal why my title is what it is.  The Three words are a form of Quasi-Latin used as the name of three Mythical swords.  These swords have been passed down through the ages each one owned and cared for a by a Knight of the Cross.  The Knights, with the swords, “serve the righteous for a just cause”.  Each sword carries one of three nails from the cross built into the hilt.  The swords names , meaning, and connections are listed below.


  • Hebrews 11:6
  • Katana 


  • Shiro Yoshimo
  • Faith


  • Hebrews 7:19
  • Saber


  • Sanya
  • Hope


  • 1st Corinthians 13:4-8
  • Broadsword


  • Michael Carpenter
  • Love/Charity

 So…. Literally the title of my Blog translates into Faith, Hope, and Charity.  I think that it is a great reminder to me to have a personal reminder of the virtues of god on my home and my blog.


The names, owners and backgrounds of the swords are part of a fictional fantasy series called “The Dresden Files” and are authored by Jim Butcher.  They are his, not my Original Creation.

February 2025