Archive for the ‘ingenuity’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Pictures of Ike Aftermath.

Monday after checking on my servers and lab computers, I took a stroll around the outside of the Houston Zoo.  I’ve never seen so many large trees laying on the ground roots akimbo.  My stroll took me past Ben Taub hospital, Herman Park Golf Course, Herman Park, and the Houston Zoo.  I put together a gallery of my favorite photos.


Click on the image below to go to a gallery of Photos that I took on my walk.
Trunk of the Massively Twisted Tree
Trunk of the Massively Twisted Tree
Kevin Steele

PostHeaderIcon Reminders

Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

With the devastation of Ike, there is a lot that runs through your head.  included in the hardships of day to day life, is the inevitable question, “Is god out there?”.  Why would he allow this?  Or, Why would he do this to people?

I wonder if….  God is love.  That’s what they say isn’t it.  From the mortal experience, we seem to have all sorts of perspective on Love.  I believe we are allowed to have as much control over Nature as he does.  We forget though that both we and he have to play by the rules.  It’s funny but you can think of the Holy Ghost as a referree and all you have to do is ask, “Am I gonna win this one?  Is it worth losing the game?  What do I do?”. 

See,  existance has rules, and even God “walks the razors edge of necessity” (Skousen, Cleon) in what he can and cannot reveal to us without taking away our free will.  So, Heavenly Father is more aware of the rules, loopholes, and damage than we are.  But he doesn’t keep that hidden on purpose, we just have to faithfully ask.  As well as asking we are required to have faith that the “Universe is the great Equalizer” (Isani Cayetano).  We may not win this round, we may not understand God’s nature, but we must maintain faith that he is a fair and just God.  God will restore what is ours to us in time.

I have a testimony that God is just with us and that he allows us to have strife, temptation, and challenges.  He also promises to be with us when we ask of him.  He will return to us our righteousness, justice, mercy, goodness, kindness, injustices, intolerance, and all our doings.  God lives by the Golden Rule.  I think I’ll close this post with the words of Alma to Corianton, the son he loved so much he gave these great words of wisdom. (pulled from



12 And now behold, is the meaning of the word restoration to take a thing of a natural state and place it in an unnatural state, or to place it in a state opposite to its nature?

  13 O, my son, this is not the case; but the meaning of the word restoration is to bring back again aevil for evil, or carnal for carnal, or devilish for devilish—good for that which is good; righteous for that which is righteous; just for that which is just; merciful for that which is merciful.
  14 Therefore, my son, see that you are merciful unto your brethren; deal ajustly, bjudge righteously, and do cgood continually; and if ye do all these things then shall ye receive your dreward; yea, ye shall have emercy restored unto you again; ye shall have justice restored unto you again; ye shall have a righteous judgment restored unto you again; and ye shall have good rewarded unto you again.
  15 For that which ye do asend out shall return unto you again, and be restored; therefore, the word restoration more fully condemneth the sinner, and justifieth him not at all.

PostHeaderIcon Update on School Progress

WGU LogoHere’s a current list of Classes I’ve finished and what I’ve got left over.  I just finished MY Natural Sciences II and Project Management coursework.  I’ve now got to finish my Portfolio Project before deciding what classes to choose for the rest of my term.  So I’m Halfway through my 3 year goal and on track.  Yay Me!!!

Classes Finished:
Term 1:
Education without Boundaries
Leadership and Professionalism
Quantitative Literacy
Term 2:
Foundations of Language and Communication
Quantitative Reasoning and Communication
IT Fundamentals I
IT Fundamentals II
IT Fundamentals III
Programming Fundamentals
Term 3:
Networks I
Ethics Part I
Ethics Part II
Social Science Part II: American History & Government, World History and Geography
Term 4:
Natural Science Part II:Concepts & Theories-Life, Earth, Space, and Physical Sciences
Project Management

Classes still to pass:
IT Portfolio
Client Systems
Web Technologies
Research, Writing and Oral Presentation
Rhetorical and Critical Writing
Reasoning & Problem Solving in the Context of the Humanities Part I
Reasoning & Problem Solving in the Context of the Humanities Part II
Programming Fundamentals II
Database I
Security I
Technical Writing
IT Capstone Project

Kevin Steele

PostHeaderIcon Short Messages from Pangea Day Speakers

I enjoyed these short messages that had such an outreaching theme to them.  To view the video’s please click on the links



PostHeaderIcon Learn another Anthem!!

This was a Project leading up to Pangea Day and I included some of my favorite Anthems.

France Sings the United States National Anthem.

Australia sings the Lebanese National Anthem.

PostHeaderIcon Look Again…

These videos I enjoyed for their comdey, plot twists, and views about why we do things.  Click the link to go directly to the Pangea Day page where they have more info on each video.

A video about Children in Mozambique and how they have fun making balls out of the common items they can scrounge up.  Cute video and a interesting take on a small aspect of Relief Aid in Africa…

The Ball


What seems a simple video at first, but watch the end and tell me what you think..

Dancing Queen


Alzheimer’s is an ugly disease that can destroy a family member right in front of your eyes.  Which begs the question to so many families with an Alzheimers patient…

Por Que Lo Hago?


Iranian Comedy with a train, two ladies, two soldiers, a kiss, and a slap.

Sili (The Slap)


February 2025