Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

PostHeaderIcon One Word

Type only ONE word answers

It’s harder than you think!! Here is what you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…copy and paste into your own note, type in your answers and have fun.

Your hair………………….………………..Blondish-Brown
Where is your cell phone………………Pocket
Your father………………..………………Whistling
Your favorite thing………………………Knowledge
Your dream last night……………………..Nothing
Your favorite drink………………………..Pepsi
Your dream/goal…………….…………….balance
The room you are in……………………….Cubicle
Your fear………………….………………….failure
Where do you want to be in 6 years………happy
One of your wish list items………………..debt-free
Where you grew up……………………….Saudi
The last thing you did…………………..…blogging
What are you wearing……………….……T-shirt-and-Jeans
Your TV……………………………………Powermac G5
Your pets………………….………………none
Your computer…………………………….Lenovo-T42
Your life………………….………………..busy
Your mood………………….……………..anxious
Missing someone……………….………….kaylene
Your car…………………..……………….cavalier
Favorite store……………………………
Your summer………………..…………….Cyprus
Your favorite color………………………..Blue
When is the last time you laughed………..Today
Last time you cried……………………….Dallin
Three people who email me………………Kaylene, clients, co-workers
Three of my favorite foods……………….steak, asparagus, Stroganoff
Three places I would rather be right now…Home, Oregon, Aiken
Three people I think will respond…………family

PostHeaderIcon Do I know my wife?

I answered all the questions on my wife’s blog and now I have to see how well I know my wife.  GULP.  I’m not looking forward to that, but OK.  Hopefully I do at least half as well as she did.

-How do you feel about Country Music?
Kevin being Kaylene: It’s probably one of my favorite overall Genre’s.  I haven’t collected a lot of newer country music, but it makes up the majority of my library.

Kaylene:  Yup. 🙂

-How many curlers does your wife wear in her hair at night?
Kevin being Kaylene: I don’t wear curlers to bed.

Kaylene: I don’t, but I did a couple times as a kid, and rag rollers a couple times for a musical in High School, my hair could really keep that kind of curl, now I’m really tempted to try it again! 😉

-What is the last book you read or are reading?
Kevin being Kaylene: Home Plans/Paint books for rooms.

Kaylene: Matt and Share: Real decorating for real people, or Candice Olson: On Design, so yeah. 🙂

-What 3 movies would you take to a Desert Island (this is of course assuming that you could watch them there)?
Kevin being Kaylene: Princess Bride, Quest for Camelot, First Knight

Kaylene:  Hmm, I thought about this one overnight, and he’s right on, and probably answered them faster than I would.  Princess Bride is an all time favorite of mine, Quest for Camelot has a LONG back story, that has a bit to do with the way our romance blossomed back in 2000, and for that reason is really special to me (and it would entertain the kids more than all the other movies we’d take according to our lists… LOL! and First Knight, YEAH!  I’m Crazy about the whole Arthor, Camelot thing, and the visuals, and whole feel of that movie just kills me, I eat it right up! I totally want to copy the court yard in Camelot in my home one day!

-What 3 TV shows on disc would you take to a Desert Island?
Kevin being Kaylene: A good Cooking show, Private Practice/Greys Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters

Kaylene: Office, House, …  Can’t I just take my computer, internet access, and a link to  Love that place!  I think I’d get bored of the same three TV shows…  But I guess my third choice would be a cooking show, assuming I’d have a good stocked kitchen and CHOCOLATE!

-Does this quiz stink?
Kevin being Kaylene: Kinda, but I love my husband so I’ll do it anyways. :)

Kaylene: Hahahahaha, read my blog’s version of this question. 🙂  I really enjoy it and getting to know my hubby better, and what he thinks I think. 😀

-Name your 3 Favorite Fruits:
Kevin being Kaylene: Not TOMATOES.  My husband’s Grilled Pinapple, Oranges, and Chocolate

Kaylene:  Hmm, Kevin’s right NO TOMATOES (unless they’re in a good Pico de Gallo or cooked and well seasoned) I do LOVE his grilled pineapple, but I recall helping coat it with brown sugar 😉  I’ll have to say, Raspberries (especially dipped in chocolate, but any way will do, mmmm!) a good in season Watermelon, especially in the hottest part of summer, and Lemonade, when i think of fruity things, I LOVE cold, fresh, hand squeezed, lemonade.  But Kevin’s grilled pineapple is right up there.  I forgot how much I like fruit!

-What is in the Back Seat of your car right now?
Kevin being Kaylene: What Car?  My husband drives the family car as a commuter so in his back seat is the Kids Safety seats.

Kaylene:  I don’t technically have a car.  I’m insured on Kevin’s but I’m not on the title.  someday I’ll get a mini van…

-When was the last time you threw up?
Kevin being Kaylene: I don’t know.  I’ve been sick lately, but I can’t remember when I last threw up.

Kaylene:  I think, and I’m pretty sure it was morning sickness when I was pregnant, I’ve gotten the tummy bug since then, but it takes a lot for me to throw up, thanks to so much practice trying to trying to keep my cool when pregnant.

-What is your favorite curse word?
Kevin being Kaylene: I have larger problem with that than my husband, but it would be D****t.

Kaylene: Or D***  or S***, when I burn something, or realize I’m almost out of gas, or smash my finger.  Or if you ask Michael it would be “stupid,” “dumb,” or “hate,” I tell him not to use those words and then I turn around and use them…  Shame on me!  Mind you he’s usually using them about people, I’m usually using them about inanimate objects, but still.

-Name one thing you are really good at:
Kevin being Kaylene: I’m a great photographer.  At least my husband thinks so.  I enjoy photography, and can relaly be hard on myself.  I just see it as striving for perfection in my trade.  I also seem to know tons of stuff about arts, crafts, and music.

Kaylene:  I’m not very comfortable with my skills, I do think I improve all the time, but it gets to feel REALLY big for me something.  I’m Glad Kevin believes in me though! (((HUGS)))

-Name one thing you are really bad at:
Cutting people off in the middle of a conversation or sentence.  I’m not sure that’s the case, but Kevin seems to think so.  Truth be told I’m not sure what Kevin thinks I do badly.  or maybe he just can’t say.

Kaylene: True, true, I just get so afraid that I’ll forget what I’ve got to say… Not a good excuse though.

-What 3 books would you take to a desert island?
Kevin being Kaylene: 1~ Twilight Series, 2~ a Huge Home Plan/Design book, and 3~ Paint Books/Chips/Home Design….  I’m really in that phase right now.  Oh’ and I’d bring chocolate.

Kaylene: I am REALLY in the decorating/house plan phase, I mean, if all goes well we’ll FINALLY own our own home within a reasonable amount of time, so, living with my parents and having little to no control over those type of surroundings at the moment, I’m TOTALLY into that.  But, if I was moving to some desert Island, adn there’s no Home Depot, Lowe’s, or other Home improvement store anywhere around, I think I’d avoid that stuff.

ROFLOL about the chocolate, he really knows me, life would be torturous without the chance to have a little chocolate any day I want!

OK, so assuming the scriptures would already be on this Island, I’d go with series to kill time (uh oh, another bad word, don’t tell Michael!) since nobody mentioned how long we’d be stuck on this island.  Twilight Series including the new ones from Edward’s POV, The whole Box Car Children Series, LOVED it as a kid, and I would LOVE to have all of them to read to my kids, and I think Anne of Green Gables.  It’s been too long since I really read for recreation.

-Name your 3 favorite drinks:
Kevin being Kaylene: Water, Chocolate Milk, and um…. Rootbeer, and chocolate?

Kaylene:  Rootbeer YUMMY!  Lemon Raspberry Slush, and I LOVE cold spring water.

-Name your 3 Favorite Vegetables:
Kevin being Kaylene: Grilled Asparagus, squash, and avocados, and chocolate.

Kaylene:  Great Answers!  I think that’s about right, I cant ‘think of anything I like more than those, though a good corn and bean salsa is yummy!

-What is your favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
Kevin being Kaylene: Bear Tracks, or anything really chocolatey.

Kaylene:  My Hubby knows me well.  I like anything chocolate with brownies, caramel swirls, chocolate swirls, chocolate bits, oreo’s (now wouldn’t it be decadent if they came up with a cookies and chocolate cream ice cream?!?!) Cashews, Almonds, Pistachios, especially coated in chocolate.  The more variation of chocolate the better!

-What was the last thing you ate?
Kevin being Kaylene: Leftovers from Rib City Grill in AF.  I went there on a Date with my husband who loves me sooooooo much and then I shared my leftovers with my family for lunch.

Kaylene:  Hahaha, by the time I read this it was Ziti pasta and home made bread sticks, right now it’s cough drops and water (silly cold!), but for lunch I did have my Rib City leftovers, and I shared them with Ryan and Aiden, I LOVE my dates with my hubby, and not just cause we get to eat out sometimes, but we get a good chance to connect without so many distractions.

-What is the last sporting event you watched?
Kevin being Kaylene: I don’t watch sports.  Maybe it was the WWF clip I showed Kevin from 1997 with The Rock, and 2 other guys.  Macho Soap Opera.

Kaylene:  That would probably be it.

-Are you free on Saturday night?
Kevin being Kaylene: My husband is going out on saturday with a bunch of friends to go watch a movie, and depending on when he gets home, we’ll find out.

Kaylene:  There’s a girl in the ward I grew up in getting married tomorrow, and I hope to drop into her reception, and there are a couple girl friends in town, so that would be AWESOME too see them, but nothing solid yet other than Kevin’s movie with his friends.

-What is your first thought when you hear “Australia”?
Kevin being Kaylene: David and Amanda.  Our friends from Houston.  David is from Western Australia.

Kaylene:  Manda and Dave.  Dave is a helicopter technician, and I think of Joey’s jacket, it’s army colors, with helicopters instead of normal camo, cute stuff.

-How many states have you been to?
Kevin being Kaylene: 10

Kaylene: California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.  So 12, I think he forgot Nevada and Arizona.  I think that’s it, though a little birdie told my my Hubby may want to take me on a romantic get away for our anniversary to Portland Oregon where he served his mission.  Fun stuff!

-What is the biggest annoyance in your life right now (besides this quiz)?
Kevin being Kaylene: Not having a Van or a home for our family

Kaylene:  Those things are pretty tough for me, but it works out.  But it may just be not having my kids play zone and my computer being in the same room.

Check back to see Kaylene’s answers…


Fun stuff Kevin!  LOVE YOU!  🙂


PostHeaderIcon Conversation’s/(Guilt Trips) with God!

Ever Feel Like This…..

SinFest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

SinFest Comic by Tatsuya Ishida


I know I have, and my guess is you have too if you’ve ever tried building your relationship with god.  Though me thinks that most of this part of the conversation has more to do with the internal struggle that all us sinners deal with.  For me personally, I really have to struggle to stop listening to my self, and break on through to the other side.  Then the true conversation can begin.  Short thought of the moment, but it just made me think.



Image by Tatsuya Ishida

PostHeaderIcon Reminders

Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

Comic by Tatsuya Ishida

With the devastation of Ike, there is a lot that runs through your head.  included in the hardships of day to day life, is the inevitable question, “Is god out there?”.  Why would he allow this?  Or, Why would he do this to people?

I wonder if….  God is love.  That’s what they say isn’t it.  From the mortal experience, we seem to have all sorts of perspective on Love.  I believe we are allowed to have as much control over Nature as he does.  We forget though that both we and he have to play by the rules.  It’s funny but you can think of the Holy Ghost as a referree and all you have to do is ask, “Am I gonna win this one?  Is it worth losing the game?  What do I do?”. 

See,  existance has rules, and even God “walks the razors edge of necessity” (Skousen, Cleon) in what he can and cannot reveal to us without taking away our free will.  So, Heavenly Father is more aware of the rules, loopholes, and damage than we are.  But he doesn’t keep that hidden on purpose, we just have to faithfully ask.  As well as asking we are required to have faith that the “Universe is the great Equalizer” (Isani Cayetano).  We may not win this round, we may not understand God’s nature, but we must maintain faith that he is a fair and just God.  God will restore what is ours to us in time.

I have a testimony that God is just with us and that he allows us to have strife, temptation, and challenges.  He also promises to be with us when we ask of him.  He will return to us our righteousness, justice, mercy, goodness, kindness, injustices, intolerance, and all our doings.  God lives by the Golden Rule.  I think I’ll close this post with the words of Alma to Corianton, the son he loved so much he gave these great words of wisdom. (pulled from



12 And now behold, is the meaning of the word restoration to take a thing of a natural state and place it in an unnatural state, or to place it in a state opposite to its nature?

  13 O, my son, this is not the case; but the meaning of the word restoration is to bring back again aevil for evil, or carnal for carnal, or devilish for devilish—good for that which is good; righteous for that which is righteous; just for that which is just; merciful for that which is merciful.
  14 Therefore, my son, see that you are merciful unto your brethren; deal ajustly, bjudge righteously, and do cgood continually; and if ye do all these things then shall ye receive your dreward; yea, ye shall have emercy restored unto you again; ye shall have justice restored unto you again; ye shall have a righteous judgment restored unto you again; and ye shall have good rewarded unto you again.
  15 For that which ye do asend out shall return unto you again, and be restored; therefore, the word restoration more fully condemneth the sinner, and justifieth him not at all.

PostHeaderIcon What’s With Your Blog Title?

SO it’s finally time to reveal why my title is what it is.  The Three words are a form of Quasi-Latin used as the name of three Mythical swords.  These swords have been passed down through the ages each one owned and cared for a by a Knight of the Cross.  The Knights, with the swords, “serve the righteous for a just cause”.  Each sword carries one of three nails from the cross built into the hilt.  The swords names , meaning, and connections are listed below.


  • Hebrews 11:6
  • Katana 


  • Shiro Yoshimo
  • Faith


  • Hebrews 7:19
  • Saber


  • Sanya
  • Hope


  • 1st Corinthians 13:4-8
  • Broadsword


  • Michael Carpenter
  • Love/Charity

 So…. Literally the title of my Blog translates into Faith, Hope, and Charity.  I think that it is a great reminder to me to have a personal reminder of the virtues of god on my home and my blog.


The names, owners and backgrounds of the swords are part of a fictional fantasy series called “The Dresden Files” and are authored by Jim Butcher.  They are his, not my Original Creation.

PostHeaderIcon Update on School Progress

WGU LogoHere’s a current list of Classes I’ve finished and what I’ve got left over.  I just finished MY Natural Sciences II and Project Management coursework.  I’ve now got to finish my Portfolio Project before deciding what classes to choose for the rest of my term.  So I’m Halfway through my 3 year goal and on track.  Yay Me!!!

Classes Finished:
Term 1:
Education without Boundaries
Leadership and Professionalism
Quantitative Literacy
Term 2:
Foundations of Language and Communication
Quantitative Reasoning and Communication
IT Fundamentals I
IT Fundamentals II
IT Fundamentals III
Programming Fundamentals
Term 3:
Networks I
Ethics Part I
Ethics Part II
Social Science Part II: American History & Government, World History and Geography
Term 4:
Natural Science Part II:Concepts & Theories-Life, Earth, Space, and Physical Sciences
Project Management

Classes still to pass:
IT Portfolio
Client Systems
Web Technologies
Research, Writing and Oral Presentation
Rhetorical and Critical Writing
Reasoning & Problem Solving in the Context of the Humanities Part I
Reasoning & Problem Solving in the Context of the Humanities Part II
Programming Fundamentals II
Database I
Security I
Technical Writing
IT Capstone Project

Kevin Steele

February 2025