Archive for the ‘Strength’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Short Messages from Pangea Day Speakers

I enjoyed these short messages that had such an outreaching theme to them.  To view the video’s please click on the links



PostHeaderIcon Learn another Anthem!!

This was a Project leading up to Pangea Day and I included some of my favorite Anthems.

France Sings the United States National Anthem.

Australia sings the Lebanese National Anthem.

PostHeaderIcon Look Again…

These videos I enjoyed for their comdey, plot twists, and views about why we do things.  Click the link to go directly to the Pangea Day page where they have more info on each video.

A video about Children in Mozambique and how they have fun making balls out of the common items they can scrounge up.  Cute video and a interesting take on a small aspect of Relief Aid in Africa…

The Ball


What seems a simple video at first, but watch the end and tell me what you think..

Dancing Queen


Alzheimer’s is an ugly disease that can destroy a family member right in front of your eyes.  Which begs the question to so many families with an Alzheimers patient…

Por Que Lo Hago?


Iranian Comedy with a train, two ladies, two soldiers, a kiss, and a slap.

Sili (The Slap)


PostHeaderIcon Tank Driver – A freelance video submission.

This was a freelance submission looking through the eyes of a tank driver at Tieneman Square in China.

PostHeaderIcon Pangea Day Videos

I’m going to post a bunch of videos with summaries, and maybe my thoughts.  Either way I’m only posting videos which struck a nerve with me.  That may be a lot, but I still recommend you search out other items at

More Coming up…

PostHeaderIcon TED and why I like it?

TED Logo 

You may have noticed in earlier posts that I reference talks given by different people at a conference called TED.  TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design.  This yearly conference is filled with many people talking about their ideas.  These talks include pictures of penguins from an Antarctic trip, Learning about variations on a theme by a teenage piano player, funny pundits, Google, heart surgeons, Al Gore, and more.  The theme of and the videos there is “Ideas Worth Spreading”.  I have always loved great ideas.  To quote a part of


  • An idea can be created out of nothing except an inspired imagination.
  • An idea weighs nothing.
  • It can be transferred across the world at the speed of light for virtually zero cost.
  • And yet an idea, when received by a prepared mind, can have extraordinary impact.
  • It can reshape that mind’s view of the world.
  • It can dramatically alter the behavior of the mind’s owner.
  • It can cause the mind to pass on the idea to others. “

So, please understand that sometimes, I’m just trying to share and idea, pass it along.  I don’t expect you to agree or disagree, I just want to share ideas that affected my perspective.  If you have or find great ideas, please, please, please share.

Kevin Steele

January 2025