Creativity and our Kids. Brilliance IMHO…
I saw this video on right after the birth of Joseph. Michael has been having a rough year in kindergarten, and though his scholastic grades are top notch, his social grades have been less than stellar. This talk gave me a perspective of him that was brilliant. Kaylene and I have seen the ways which Michael is amazingly perceptive, creative, colorful, adaptable, and adorable; but hearing this perspective helped me understand how important that is. I’ve felt for a long time that my home schooling was a major contributer to my social ineptness in Middle School and much of High school. I do not however regret being homeschooled. My parents were both wonderful teachers and my mom came up with hundreds of different ways to educate and inspire me. I think I was able to keep my creativity a lot longer than others I went to school with, I just hadn’t realized it. Mom and Dad, Mom especially, thanks for all that time you spent.
Please watch and let me know what your impressions are…
YouTube works better, but here is the original TED Link: TED Talks – Ken Robinson
Kevin Steele