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Little whisperings.  Some times that all it takes.  Some times it’s enough for a momentary place of peace.  Of all the speakers, I found my self drawn to the talks of Presidents Monson and Uchtdorf.  I feel the personal love and interest that Monson has for me (and we’ve never met) and the concern that President Uchtdorf has for our direction.

I heard talks that I felt like I had heard before and I heard messages that touched me.  I heard words of chastisement, loving, care, direction, laughter, and peace.  I needed that most of all; peace. 

I’m pretty sure that Kaylene would agree that I’m always a turmoil of emotions.  I have a hard time expressing my emotions because I worry about the power of my words.  Think about it, words, especially names have power.  As humans, our speech is inflected, personal, and varied.  I worry that the things I say will be interpreted wrong, and so I shut up and stir over thoughts and emotions and what to say.  It drives Kaylene absolutely up the wall and can make communication very hard.  It can also bring a, hm….. how to put this “Great disturbance” in my personal “force”.  But it is my personal constant.

So, to find peace in the midst of such a busy and spiritually overwhelming weekend is wonderful.  I think I’ll be going back to some of these talks to search for more peace.


One Response to “General Conference”

  • Peggy says:


    That’s really something! Two days ago Dad asked me what specific talks did I enjoy during conference. I said Pres. Monson and Pres. Uchtdorf! I think Dad is putting together a message for the ward newsletter… But I loved conference and am looking forward getting the Ensign this month.

    Better get off to work!

    Love ya, Mom

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February 2025